Please find the following links to the latest versions of the John Scottus Secondary School policies:

Additional Education Needs Policy

Admissions Policy

Admissions Notice Sept 2025

Anti-Bullying Policy

Assessment Policy

Attendance Policy

Catering Policy

Child Safeguarding Statement

Child Safeguarding Notice

Code of Behaviour Policy
(Suspensions and Permanent Exclusion Policy has been incorporated into this document)

Crisis Response Policy

Data Protection Policy

Anti-Bullying Workplace Policy

Global Citizen Education Policy

Guidance and Counselling-Policy

Harassment and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Homework Policy

ICT Policy

Privacy Notice to Student (and Parents/Guardians)

School Trips Policy

SPHE & RSE Policy

Substance Use Policy

Vetting Policy

The following material has been published by the DES re: Child Protection. They have influenced the JSS policy on child protection and may also be of interest to parents:

– Children First Guidelines

– Child Protection Guidelines

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